
I have always been intrigued by birth and the impact it makes on a woman and those around her, Birth is Complicated, beautiful, scary, magical, sad, joyous, amazing, painful, thrilling, euphoric, tiring.. and many other things...

Birth comes in many presentations, homebirth, hospital birth, c-section, vaginal, med free, with pain relief, HBACS, VBACS,  with Doula, with Midwife, Assisted, unassisted, Multiples, Under water, in the shower, outdoors, indoors..

A woman should have the right to the best birth she can have! Sadly that is not the case for all, some grieve a birth they didn't want, some feel inadequate or even shameful of the way they birthed.
On the other hand there's women perfectly happy with theirs.. or women who are goal oriented.. goal was healthy baby.. they got healthy baby and everything is great!. There are women with empowering stories and women with sad stories..

No Matter what the story, it is always a thrill to read.. to peek into a moment so intimate yet so fantastic that it has to be shouted to the world..

I have separated tabs of different types of births.. with it I seek to make it easier for someone to look for a specific type of birth, they might be researching or they might be trying to find someone with a similar story as theirs.

Feel free to share your story!  Add pictures if you'd like or videos, link me to the birth story on your blog or if you want to keep it anonymous let me know!

I hope this can be a great resource for moms and moms to be!  And to further understand the dynamics of a birthing woman in different circumstances.

E-mail me at


Tanya E.